Magic of TOP 5 Abortion Pills: Cost & Economic Implications”

Lady doing abortions test

What is Abortion

The term abortion is used for the deliberate termination of a pregnancy, resulting in the expulsion or removal of the embryo or fetus from the uterus, either spontaneously (miscarriage) or by medical intervention. The term “abortion” typically refers to induced abortion, which is performed intentionally, i.e. (Abortion pills and surgical abortion) as opposed to naturally accruing spontaneous abortion, which happens impulsively due to fatal abnormalities, maternal health issues, or other factors. 

There are two types of abortion


Medical abortion, also known as medication abortion/Abortion pills, is a method of terminating a pregnancy using pharmaceutical drugs. It involves the use of medications rather than surgical procedures to induce abortion.

Typically, medical abortion is performed during the early stages of pregnancy, up to around 10 weeks of gestation, although the exact timeline may vary depending on local regulations and medical protocols. 


Surgical abortion is a medical procedure used to terminate a pregnancy by removing the pregnancy tissue from the uterus through surgical means. It is typically performed in a healthcare facility, such as a clinic or hospital, by trained healthcare providers.

 There are different types of surgical abortion procedures, including suction aspiration, dilation and curettage (D&C), expulsion (D&E), and induction abortion. The specific method used depends on the stage of pregnancy and other factors. 

Medical / Medication Abortion

In the form of abortion pills drugs are administered to end the pregnancy. It consists of two drugs, first mifepristone, and second misoprostol, which are taken simultaneously for abortion.

Mifepristone is also known as RU-486. It is an anti-progestogen drug that blocks the effects and function of progesterone, a hormone that is essential for maintaining pregnancy. Misoprostol is a drug is a prostaglandin analogue that causes uterine contractions, which in turn expel the contents of the uterus, including pregnancy tissue. 

Procedure and time for Medication

The standard procedure of abortion pills involves taking mifepristone first, followed by misoprostol, usually within 24 to 48 hours. This combination of two drugs is highly effective for inducing abortion in early pregnancy. Different companies in each region and country market these medicines under different brands. 

How much does an abortion
PILLS usually cost?

Abortion pill costs vary all over the world and it is different in different countries. In countries where health and wellness are the responsibility of the state and treatment is available free of cost, no money is spent on abortion and in some cases, abortion is done at a discounted rate in the medical facilities run under the management and control of the government.

In some countries, medical facilities offer free-of-cost abortion pills services in collaboration with NGOs working for the welfare of women and children. In some regions, abortion is covered by medical insurance or it is performed at private medical clinics for a certain medical fee. 

Medical Abortion through medication in different regions


Mifeprex (mifepristone) is also known as Ru-486 and Misoprostol. In Canada it is termed Mifegymiso it contains both mifepristone and misoprostol. The cost of these drugs depends on various factors such as the state, health, and care provider, insurance coverage, and whether the brand is generic or costly.

In general, the cost of an abortion pill can range from a few hundred to over a thousand dollars, including the cost of the medication and the associated medical consultation or procedure. Additionally, financial assistance programs are provided for those who need financial assistance to obtain an abortion medication or procedure.

Therefore, it is better to consult a clinic for information on the pricing of such medicines. Currently, the cost of abortion pills in the US is between 300 and $ to 800$.  It is pertinent to mention that the determination of this cost depends upon the advice of the relevant medical experts and post-abortion follow-up and care. 


Abortion pills brand

The abortion pills that are commonly used in India for abortion come with the names Mifegest Kit, Unwanted Kit, Cipla MTP Kit, Ipill, and Abortion Pill. These are some of the main pharmaceutical brands used there and many other brands are available in the market, and it is highly recommended to be used with the instructions and advice of a doctor.

The formula of all these medicines is the same as we mentioned in the beginning i.e. first mifepristone and second misoprostol. Contraceptive pills in India cost between 800 Indian Rupees to 300 Indian Rupees (i.e. 9 $ to 3 $). Various NGOs and government medical centers also provide these medicines free of cost.

These centers also provide training to women on how and when to take these drugs and basic information about the abortion procedure. Apart from the two methods mentioned above, traditional abortion methods are also practiced in South Asian countries like India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, etc.  

Abortion pills Mefigest

Traditional Method for abortion in South Asian Countries, India, Pakistan, etc.

1. Use of Herbs: Medicinal use of various herbs and plants has been practiced in this region for centuries, and certain herbs and plants are considered to have abortifacient properties and are used in various home recipes and remedies for performing abortion instead of abortion pills. For example, neem, papaya seeds, bitter melon, barley water, celery water, fenugreek seeds, etc.

papaya seed

2. Physical methods: Local midwives also use physical techniques such as abdominal massage, vigorous exercise, or applying pressure to the abdomen to induce abortion. 

Message for abortion

3. Insertion of objects: Some women insert sticks, wires, or other similar devices into the uterus for abortion, which can cause serious complications such as uterine infection or perforation. 

4. Heating Method: Applying heat to the abdomen, such as sitting in hot water or using hot objects, is believed by some to induce miscarriage. 

applying heat to abdomen for abortion

5. Cultural Methods: These methods of treatment include a combination of rituals, prayers and specific herbs for abortion, based on cultural or religious beliefs. 

other than abortion pills

It is essential that all these methods are just transferred as a narration that is only a word of mouth from one generation to the next and we cannot say anything about whether they are safe or not.

Therefore, an expert opinion can only be given by a doctor nurse, or medical specialist that it is safe to use these methods or otherwise. The use of these methods can cause serious risks to health and life—for example, infection, bleeding, infertility, or death.

Seeking medical care from a medical professional or health care provider is essential for a safe and effective abortion procedure. Additionally, many South Asian countries have laws and regulations regarding abortion, and access to safe and legal abortion services is critical to women’s health and well-being. 

USAGE OF abortion pills

In the first eight to twelve weeks of pregnancy drugs and medication are used and it is effective, but beyond the 12th week, the drugs are not particularly effective. After the 13th week, surgical abortion methods like D&E or induction are used to terminate the pregnancy as the fetus has grown bigger and is supposed to be scraped out of the uterus with the help of various instruments.

Care should be taken to get this procedure done at a trusted medical center. Abortion is safe within twenty-four weeks of conception. However, beyond 24 weeks, it may lead to complications and life-threatening risks for the mother as per the opinion of medical experts. 


In conclusion, it is essential to thoroughly understand the complexities surrounding abortion pills, including their effectiveness and the various types available. Potential users should be aware of the possible side effects, the legal status of abortion pills, and their cost, as well as the options for obtaining them, whether through CVS, online platforms, or by mail. 

For those considering abortion pills to end a pregnancy, it is important to research how to use abortion pills properly and to seek reputable sources that provide information on the best abortion pills available, including international brands. Additionally, affordability is a significant factor, with low price abortion pills accessible for those in need of fast and quick abortion pills. By being informed about at-home abortion pills and their implications, individuals can make empowered choices regarding their reproductive health.

Abortion pills, also known as medical abortion or medication abortion, are a non-surgical method used to terminate an early pregnancy. They usually consist of a combination of medications, such as mifepristone and misoprostol, which work together to induce a miscarriage.

Abortion pills work by blocking the hormone progesterone, which is needed for the pregnancy to continue. This causes the lining of the uterus to break down, leading to the expulsion of the pregnancy tissue.

 The legality of abortion pills varies from country to country and sometimes within regions of a country. It’s important to check the laws and regulations in your specific area.

 When taken under the guidance of a healthcare provider and according to the recommended protocol, abortion pills are generally considered safe and effective for terminating early pregnancies. However, like any medical procedure, they may have risks and potential side effects

Abortion pills are highly effective when taken correctly and early in the pregnancy. They are known to have success rates of around 95-98% for pregnancies up to 10 weeks gestation.

In many places, abortion pills can be taken at home after consulting with a healthcare provider. However, it’s important to follow the prescribed protocol and instructions provided by a qualified medical professional.

Abortion pills are typically effective up to 10 weeks into a pregnancy, although their effectiveness may vary depending on individual circumstances. It’s best to consult with a healthcare provider as soon as possible after confirming the pregnancy.

Common side effects of abortion pills may include cramping, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and bleeding. These side effects are usually temporary and subside within a few days.

Some medical conditions may affect the suitability or safety of using abortion pills. It’s important to discuss any medical conditions or concerns with a healthcare provider before taking abortion pills

After taking abortion pills, it’s normal to experience cramping and bleeding similar to a heavy period. It’s important to follow up with a healthcare provider as instructed to ensure the termination is successful and to address any concerns.

By admin

74 thoughts on “Magic of TOP 5 Abortion Pills: Cost & Economic Implications””
      1. It’s your hard work don’t give him credit 😅 btw great work more blogs/articles should be written to educate women about their reproductive health as many women suffer due to lack of knowledge, reliable resources and facilities.

      2. It’s your hard work don’t give him creditgreat work more blogs/articles should be written to educate women about their reproductive health as many women suffer due to lack of knowledge, reliable resources and facilities

  1. Overall, comments on the side effects of traditional abortion methods should prioritize compassion, education, and advocacy for comprehensive reproductive healthcare services that prioritize the health and well-being of individuals.

  2. Cumulatively, this blog covers the topic thoroughly and in great detail, the topic should also be discussed in a broader perspective.

  3. Millions of children are killed in Pakistan every year in their mother’s womb they are aborted before they even open their eyes in the world..and sadly, hundreds of them are human beings who are considered garbage. Abortion is a crime in Pakistan, despite the fact that there are thousands of maternity homes across the country that offer abortions…Involved in illegal business…

    1. It’s an informative article, has clearly explained ways of abortion. Continue to publish such type of blogs, which will help students and other population.

    1. Very informative and useful information presented in a comprehensive manner. It is undoubtedly the need of the hour to educate women on such issues, and such content does not assist women learn about particular facts about their bodies and health, rather encourages them to speak up on these critical issues, which have been stigmatised in patriarchal societies.Keep up the good work. All the very best. 👍👍👍

  4. Appreciate your hard thing for my concern is that its such a sensative topic to write about, for safety purpose do mention the medical references for the effectiveness and dosage of the mention pills, as well as how safe it will be for any one to take it at ita own.

    1. The cost of abortion pills makes it hard for many women in Pakistan to access them, especially those with lower incomes. Some women can’t afford these pills because they’re expensive. Others might live far from places where they can get them. There’s also the problem of social stigma and strict laws around abortion, which make it harder for women to seek help.

      This affects women who are already struggling, like those who are poor or live in remote areas, the most. They might not have the money or support to get the care they need. So, it’s important to find ways to make abortion pills more affordable and accessible for everyone, regardless of their income or where they live.

  5. It’s particularly noteworthy how the blog emphasizes the cost-effectiveness of abortion pills compared to surgical abortion methods, not only in terms of direct medical expenses but also considering the indirect costs such as travel, time off work, and childcare for existing dependents.

  6. Thank you for addressing such a complex and sensitive topic.This is an essential conversation, and your blog contributes positively to it.

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